8 things you overspend on and how to cut costs

8 Things That You Overspend On: And How To Cut Costs

From time to time, we all make mistakes with money. It’s an unavoidable, yet slightly frustrating part of life. However, it is important that we find ways to learn from our financial flops – it helps us better manage our money in the future, which can steer us towards financial security. 

One way in which you can get to grips with your money management is by figuring out exactly where your money goes. After you’ve paid your bills and stocked your fridge – where does the rest of your cash go? Are you spending it wisely, or are you paying much more than you should for certain things?

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8 Things That You Overspend On: And How To Cut Costs

We’re all guilty of overspending from time to time. But, by identifying exactly where you are overspending – you can cut back on costs, saving you a great deal of money that you can put into your savings or use to treat yourself – after all, you deserve it! 

With that in mind, here are eight things that people typically overspend on. If they apply to you, it’s time to make changes. Though it might be hard to cut back on these areas, your bank account will be sure to thank you for it. 

Photo by Alisa Anton on Unsplash


It’s vital that you find a way to introduce self-care into your routine – after all, we all deserve to feel good and take better care of ourselves, especially during this difficult time. However, it is also important that you don’t slip into rampant overspending at the price of your self-care, as this will only lead to a tricky situation further down the line.

For example, there are plenty of acts of self-care that cost no money at all – such as getting enough sleep and spending time outdoors. However, that being said, don’t be afraid to splurge out from time to time – on something exciting such as a massage – so long as it does not become a weekly occurrence. 

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Too often, we are sold overpriced products that will claim to be your skin’s best friend. This promise is attached to a variety of products – be they moisturizers or cleansers – all of which come with a surprisingly high price tag.

However, they likely contain exactly the same ingredients as products from a cheaper brand – meaning that you are paying for the name on the bottle instead of the product itself. Therefore, you can save yourself valuable money by carefully researching the products you buy – ensuring that you get the best value for your money.

You can also take better care of your skin by staying hydrated and drinking more water.

Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash

Eating Healthy 

From time to time, healthy eating can be expensive. However, it doesn’t have to be. For example, you can save money when purchasing fruit and vegetables by buying frozen products as opposed to buying fresh produce.

This also reduces the chance of them going out of date before you can eat them, too. Furthermore, healthy food can be expensive if you are purchasing meals from takeouts, but taking the time to buy all of the ingredients and cooking meals from scratch can save you plenty of money. 

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A Gym Membership

Whenever we sign up to the gym, we do so with the best intentions. However, as the weeks wear on, you may notice that your enthusiasm dwindles, and you visit the gym less and less.

Eventually, you can’t remember the last time you worked out – but the money is still coming from your bank. In this case, the most useful thing to do would be to cancel your membership (or actually start using it).

If you still want to get in shape, there are plenty of exercises you can do at home for free.

Photo by Susan Duran on Unsplash


When you need to wear your glasses every day, it becomes clear that they are worth the financial investment. After all, you can’t really put a price on being able to see the world clearly.

However, many companies tend to overcharge you for glasses – especially if you are purchasing a designer brand. However, you can save money on glasses by purchasing from EyeGlasses.com, the best new brand for affordable, stylish glasses that won’t break the bank. 

Photo by Mollie Sivaram on Unsplash

Subscription Services 

Another area in which people tend to overspend is when it comes to paying from subscription services they do not use. Whether you got fed up with Netflix after they canceled your favorite show, or can never find what you need on amazon prime – if you don’t use it, it’s time to lose it.

Pay attention to how much money is taken out of your bank each month – as you may have forgotten that you signed up for a service altogether. 

Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

Buying Coffee Every Day 

Your morning coffee can be a lifeline – something to cling onto as you head into work on a particularly dreary day. However, they can also be rather expensive.

When you buy a single coffee, it may not seem too bad – after all, it’s just a couple of dollars – but the price of your morning mochas will soon add up. 

You can significantly cut back on your spending by brewing your morning coffee at home instead of popping into Starbucks each morning. 

Photo by Roselyn Tirado on Unsplash

Home Renovations 

Whether you are giving your bedroom a makeover, or renovating your home house – we often spend a lot of money when it comes to redecorating. After all, you usually have to buy a lot of materials – from paint to new furniture.

The prices rise even further when you bring in decorators to do the work for you. However, you can reduce the cost of home renovations by being willing to get your hands a little dirty. In fact, DIY is a great way to save money – whether that means you start painting the walls or fashion your own furniture. 

As you can see, there are various steps you can take to ensure that you stop overspending. By making the most of your money, you can live a life free from financial woes – and getting to that position doesn’t need to be difficult – you just have to wrap your head around your spending.

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