How to Sit at Your Desk

How To Sit At Your Desk Properly

There is every chance that right now you’re sitting slouched at a desk reading this. Hopefully, just that one sentence will prompt you to sit up straight and roll those shoulders back, but boy is it hard!

If you’re spending much of the day sitting at a desk to work and you don’t have the right ergonomic chair and desk to sit properly, it’s probably a good reason that your back is in bits every day!

No one is supposed to be in pain just from sitting down. We’re supposed to be able to sit and do our work and know that we can move and walk around as we please without pain.

If you find yourself seeing a Chiropractor to help you with your back pain, then it’s time to learn how you can sit properly at your desk so that you can feel less pain, work well and be able to move fluidly.

So, with this in mind, here are some of the best ways to sit properly – and right now, you could be doing it wrong!

How To Sit At Your Desk Properly

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Support Your Back

Reducing your risk of back pain starts with adjusting your chair to ensure that your lower back and pelvis is properly supported. You can use the proper office chairs and not a dining chair and instantly feel a difference in it.

A chair that is correctly adjusted will take the strain from your back, and you should be able to change the tilt, the height and the position of the back to get the very best for your back. Your knees should be level with your hips or slightly lower, but you can use a footrest to take the pressure off your thighs.

Adjust Your Chair

The next thing to do is make sure that your desk chair is the right height so that you can use your computer with your arms and hands level. This will help you to prevent any more repetitive strain injuries that you may have had before.

You should be able to make an L shape at the elbow joint, so adjust the chair to allow you to sit properly. Put your feet on the floor. Footrests are a good idea, but you should be able to place your feet flat on the floor without strain on the backs of your legs or your hips.

Don’t cross your legs at the ankle, or you could risk back pain!

How To Sit At Your Desk Properly

Adjust Your Screen

The screen that you are working at should be at eye level and no higher or lower. If it’s too low, your neck will bend to see it and this will cause strain in your back and neck muscles.

Put the monitor arm’s length away and the top of the screen should sit at eye level.

Level Your Keyboard

To be able to type efficiently, you should have your keyboard at a level with your body. You shouldn’t have it at an angle, as this can cause more issues with your shoulders and arms. If you know that you are going to suffer with your shoulder muscles, then this is the way to go!

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